Stand taller,
speak louder,
and own the room.

A great presenter doesn’t just speak.
She elevates her authority and lifts the audience.
I’ll show you how to speak so people really listen.

Brands Britta Wenske has worked with

We all want to dominate the stage

It doesn’t matter if you’re preparing for a TED Talk, a pitch, or even an online workshop… We all want to feel more confident. We want to strut out in front of the crowd, own our space, and grab people by the soul.

We want to be heard. We want to move worlds. We want our message to be remembered —and we want to be remembered as the woman who said it.

We want our “Susan Boyle” moment.

Let the meek inherit the earth. You have stuff to say.

Strong speaking skills are no longer optional

Now that speaking opportunities are so prevalent, If you want to lead, you have to be heard and you have to be in front of the room.

It’s the people who command attention that elevate us all. And the quiet ones will be forgotten.

The simple fact is, if your message isn’t heard, it doesn’t exist. It needs to be spoken. And nobody call tell it like you.

If you’re not sure what that sounds like yet, you’re in the right place. Because I can show you the process.

Great speaking isn't talent. .

Think about your favorite TED Talk.
Brené Brown, Amy Cuddy, Simon Sinek…

Chances are, the presenter isn’t a professional speaker. They’re scientists, researchers, activists, teachers, entrepreneurs, coaches, and developers who make their living in day jobs just like you and me. Sure, they may seem more “natural” on stage — but it’s all learned.

They know how to tell a good story.

But here's the thing...

There's no such thing as a natural born speaker

Speaking is a combination of nature and nurture. It’s science and art.

If you’re comparing yourself to your favorite presenter, just remember they’ve had years of practice. But they started in the same place as you!

You can rise up fast.

In fact, it only takes a few days to see and feel a noticeable shift. Sometimes just minutes.

So, If public speaking doesn’t come “naturally” to you… Or if your heart hammers so hard on stage you’re sure the audience can hear it… or even if you just want to be a little more polished, please know that it’s not lack of talent.

It’s lack of process.

And that’s something we can fix.


You don't need perfect.
You just need process.

It takes only three things to captivate the room. Strengthen even one and you’re already a better speaker

This isn’t as complicated as you might think.

When you break it down, presenting comes down to three elements: 

Britta Wenske - Speaker Coach Content


When you know the structure of writing for the stage, your message feels so natural that you can’t forget how to tell it. This is how you capture people’s attention.


When you hold yourself taller, your confidence makes you captivating. This is how you hold your audience’s gaze.

Posture _ Britta holding arms up taller
Britta Speaking Coach


And when you inflect emotion and adjust your voice to match your message, you become so powerful that people feel everything you say. This is how you move them.

And here's the best part...

You don't have to follow all the rules.

My favorite part about working with entrepreneurs and leaders like you is that we get to add in your unique personality and abilities. We compensate for jitters, cameras, and little adjustments to make you comfortable. Then we add in something only you can do.

This is where we make you even more powerful.
It’s these personal touches that make you unforgettable.

Britta Wenske

Hippy-dippy mantras and positive thinking will only go so far

Hey, I’m Britta Wenske, The unlikely guide for 1,000’s of female entrepreneurs, executives, CEOs, coaches, and TEDx speakers

After overcoming my own stage fright by creating a process (I’m German! I can’t help it!) my system has gone on to help thousands of people improve their speaking skills. I can teach you to own the stage and increase your authority like no other medium can do.

Daily affirmations and abundant thinking can help, but… In order to make the kind of difference you know your presentation can truly make, you need tactics.

By treating your speech with a process, we’ll add specific steps to create a successful outcome — yet still leave room to keep you in your presentation.

The first time I used this process, I felt more confident and assured than any book, blog, or tutorial ever made me. And women started coming to me, the formerly petrified speaker, for advice.

What I showed them worked. (It’ the same thing I’ll show you!) They started showing up more in their business, on the stage, and in their lives. They started connecting with their audience. And they knew how to establish their authority and speak to be heard.

I still love speaking. But my real passion is helping women like you find their way onto their own stage.

Brands Britta Wenske has worked with

Speaking skills are no longer "optional"

Stages, presentations, webinars, workshops, podcasts, Facebook Lives and Instagram Reels…

Chances to shine are more prevalent than ever before — and I’ll show you ways to find them.

Using this process, you’ll stand taller, speak louder, and create an unforgettable presentation that will stick with your audience and boost your authority. They’ll remember your words, they’ll remember your message, and they’ll remember you…

And you may even earn that standing ovation.

Ready to step out into the sun?


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